Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Freelance work - Indiana Jones

The original artist Chris Staggs did this awesome work in B&W...
after seeing it I asked if I could color it.

He was really cool about it and let me have free reign with the work.

about 8 hours of work. Photoshop CS3

Ipad Art - 2

More Ipad fun.

Sketch book Pro - Ipad.
about 3 hours, sketch to complete.

Ipad art - 1

Playing with color and lighting... lots of fun.

Done with Sketchbook Pro - Ipad version
5 hours - sketch to complete

Zombie Moneky

Just for Fun!

about a hour for sketch, and another hour for inks...
oh insomnia flow...how you make me love you so...

Fan Art - Alien

A project for a friend. Loads of fun to work on..

worked on this at the same time as Akuma..
8 to 9 hours
Photoshop CS3

Akuma - Colors

Fan Art - Street Fighter: Akuma

9 hours total.
2 hours for Inks
7 hours for Colors - Photoshop CS3

Akuma - Pencils

Fan Art - Street Fighter: Akuma

Pencils on 11x17 paper.

7 hours including intial comp. sketches.

3-Material Walker: Final

Final - Outdoor lighting.

3-Material Walker

Adjusted Indoor Lighting.

3-Material Walker

An assignment for class. We were required to render a mechanical object with three different materials. One in indoor lighting, and one in out door lighting.
This is Indoor Lighting

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

CronoTrigger - Maru 4

Maru - Final
After lighting and touch ups she took about 18 hours total.

13 for design and composition and 5 for completes. (and about 2 hours of breaks to put my
eyes back into my head hehe...but oh so worth it)

Photoshop CS3

CronoTrigger - Maru 3

CronoTrigger - Maru 2

The Colors for her were chosen based on her personality.
She's headstrong and confident...
her powers involved Ice, so I tried to incorporate the snow flake
into her wrist guard and torso. and parts of her Cross Bow too..

Colors and layout took 10 hours, and lighting, another 5.

I would love to revisit this piece but I think the main ideas for the
design was conveyed.

Photoshop CS3

CronoTrigger - Maru 1

Maru from Chrono Trigger.

Ideation sketches and Transfer to Paper took 9 hours, for this project I tried a new process where I drew directly into photo shop... it's intimidating because of the "cntrl-z" I found myself constantly going back on my lines..much easier on paper I think, or maybe I just need to do it more. Put in them hours and such... haha

Final designs took about 6 hours.

She was so much fun to work on I had to force myself to finish...lol

CronoTrigger - Crono 3

CronoTrigger - Crono 2

Colors and layout took 6 hours. Lighting took another 4 - 5 hours.
A lot of fun to work on and the materials researched from cgtextures.org

Photoshop CS3

CronoTrigger - Crono 1

Redesign of The classic Super NES game Chrono Trigger.

I loved the game and the designs when i was a kid so I wanted to revisit it.

Ideation and final sketches took 8 hours.
transfer to Paper and Inks took another 6 hours.